Bar-Tek EA888 Gen 3 VAG Sytytyspuolat
Mikäli tuotetta ei ole varastossa ja kyseessä on tilaustuote, keskimääräinen toimitusaika on 5-14 arkipäivää. QT Parts tuotteilla n. 5-10 arkipäivää, muilla 5-14 arkipäivää. Varastossa olevien tuotteiden toimitusaika on 1-3 arkipäivää.
Original ignition coils are very sensitive and can cause misfires when power is increased. This is now over: because with our new ignition coils we can guarantee an even more stable ignition spark! Due to the stronger ignition spark, your engine has no more misfires even at high power. Even at high boost pressures, a clean combustion is thus guaranteed.
Features & Specifications:
- More stable ignition spark
- Plug & Play
- Registration free
Sytytyspuolat sopivat seuraaviin malleihin:
- 1.2L EA211 - 4 ignition coils necessary
- 1.4L EA211 - 4 ignition coils necessary
- 1.5L EA211 - 4 ignition coils necessary
- 1.6L EA211 - 4 ignition coils necessary
- 1.8L EA888 Gen 3 - 4 ignition coils required
- 2.0L EA888 Gen 3 - 4 ignition coils necessary
- 2.0L EA888 Gen 3B - 4 ignition coils necessary
- 2.5L EA855 EVO - 5 ignition coils necessary
- 2.9L EA839 - 6 ignition coils necessary
- 3.0L EA839 - 6 ignition coils necessary
- 4.0L EA825 - 8 ignition coils necessary
Please select the appropriate number. Price per coil.