Wagner Tuning Downpipe N20 - F2x-F3x
Mikäli tuotetta ei ole varastossa ja kyseessä on tilaustuote, keskimääräinen toimitusaika on 5-14 arkipäivää. QT Parts tuotteilla n. 5-10 arkipäivää, muilla 5-14 arkipäivää. Varastossa olevien tuotteiden toimitusaika on 1-3 arkipäivää.
The Downpipe-Kit fits in to the n20 engine:
BMW 125i F20 / F21
BMW 220i F22 / F23
BMW 228i F22 / F23
BMW 320i (x) F30 / F31 / F34
BMW 328i (x) F30 / F31 / F34
BMW 420i F32 / F33
BMW 428i (x) F32 / F33
Replacement for OEM BMW Part# 18327645666 from year of construction 10/2012+
High quality stainless steel 1.4301 (SS304)
CAD-Designed without main catalyst*
2 Lambda probe connections
100% perfect fit, replacing OEM
Less thermal load on the turbocharger
Significantly more torque and power from reduced back pressure
Connection diameter 105mm
Exhaust diameter 76mm
Decat or 200cpi Catalytic Converter
*Off-road use only unless catalyst fitted in exhaust mid-section.
Removal of all catalytic converters will almost invariably make your vehicle illegal for use on a public road.
ECU will need to be coded to avoid engine management light errors.